Monday, February 27, 2012


Seorang Pharmacyst bertanyakan soalan, " Bagaimanakah kita menjaga niat, agar ia tidak tersimpang?"
Itu satu soalan yang amat baik. Pernah hinggap di telinga suatu ketika dahulu, namun sudah agak lama tidak diperingatkan jawapannya.
Lalu Ustaz menjawab," Pertama,kuatkan niat dengan ilmu di dada.Kedua, selalu bersama-sama dalam jamaah."

Ya, Ustaz. Aku masih ingat lagi ketika mula-mula mengupas Hadith pertama dalam buku Hadith 40,aku telah diberikan satu pesanan bahawa, apabila menghadiri majlis ilmu, sentiasa niatkan untuk mengisi jiwa dengan ilmu-ilmu Allah.

Malam itu kami mulakan dengan hadith yang pertama dahulu. Ringkas pengisiannya namun cukup untuk membangkitkan jiwa yang lemah. Kemudian disusuli pula dengan pengisian awal "Apa ertinya saya menganut Islam" tulisan seorang jurutera, Fathi Yakan.

Oleh kerana malam sudah semakin lewat, kami beredar lebih awal, sebelum majlis benar-benar berakhir. Timbul sedikit kesal kerana tidak menunggu sehingga ke akhir, namun apakan daya, kami perlu melintasi Selat Melaka yang kelam pada tengah malam yang dingin, ditambah pula hanya berkelana sesama Hawa. Pengalaman pertama memandu sendiri sejauh itu.Tidaklah jauh mana pun, tapi ia satu pengalaman baru buatku dan buat kenderaanku. Rindunya pada pengalaman merantau di tempat orang dahulu, sudah tentunya dahulu lebih menarik kerana aku boleh menghayati pemandangan dan hanya sesekali merujuk peta untuk sahabatku yang memandu. Kini aku pula yang harus menjegilkan mata dan memberi fokus yang tinggi. Ada juga aku membuat aksi reverse 5 meter di jalan utama dek terlepas simpang -- Awas,jangan meniru aksi ini. 

Looking forward for the next one, tapi macam ada aral melintang -- I'm joining the new department in a few days, that means tagging for 2 weeks!!

Rasa amat lega. Berakhir sudah "penderitaan" selama empat bulan di jabatan ini. Bermula di general medical ward yang super busy - - tapi di sinilah aku belajar buat banyak prosedur, daripada simple peritoneal tapping hinggalah lumbar puncture.Kemudian ke chest ward, inilah ward yang paling best,walau busy macam manapun, tetap boleh habis kerja by 5 pm.Seterusnya, ermm haematological ward, umpama @#$%^&, setiap hari start kerja pukul 5 pagi, bila abang tiri tiada, mak tiri datang buat rounds, dan kenalah macam-macam tengkingan daripadanya.Lepas sebulan, lega sikit apabila bertukar ke Nephrology ward, busy juga, selalu kena epigastric pain sebab tak sempat langsung nak makan, tapi hati tak sakit...hanya setengah bulan di sini, sebab dah start cuti. Alhamdulillah, specialist in charge bagi habiskan semua cutiku,jadi aku dah kira bercuti panjanglah ni walaupun minggu lepas masih buat oncall dan clinic duty semasa cuti.

Dalam masa beberapa hari ini aku berasa sangat tenang...tak perlu fikir pasal tekanan kerja.Tapi..stress macam mana pun, dah setahun lebih aku menghabiskan housemanship di sini, tinggal lagi 2 postings, InsyaAllah. Aku tak pernah pertikaikan keputusanku untuk terus pulang ke Malaysia for good lepas graduate dan bekerja di sini. Cuma yang aku selalu pertikaikan ialah budaya kerja di sini yang tak mesra house officer. Semua yang buruk-buruk adalah house officer..Ada consultant yang sambung belajar di UK/Ireland pun bila pulang tidak membawa langsung budaya dari sana. Bukan nak puji budaya orang, tapi hakikatnya BUDAYA/ETIKA KERJA mereka lebih baik daripada kita...


Pertama kali menjejakkan kaki ke Straits Quay yang terletak hanya 15 minit dari rumahku. Subhanallah, apabila pandang ke laut, cantiknya pemandangan, ada light house lagi. Namun bila meninjau di dalam bangunan, erk...tak sesuai dengan jiwaku, terlalu "mahal". Rata-rata kedai di situ adalah yang eksklusif, kata orang Melayu, untuk orang-orang kaya.Sungguhpun aku sudah bekerjaya, aku masih lagi tak pandai nak "berbelanja lebih", untuk ke restoran/kedai yang hebat seperti itu, aku tidak betah.

Tujuan aku ke sana adalah untuk ke PC Fair, yang julung-julung kali diadakan di situ. Amat mengecewakan...tak banyak booth dibuka pun, tak seperti di PISA dahulu, nak mencari pen drive pun susah, hanya ada 2 booth yang menjualnya, itupun pendrive biasa, bukan yang funky/unique tu, harganya pun mahal.Lalu kakiku pantas melangkah keluar, tak guna lama-lama di situ,hajat tidak kesampaian. Suatu hari akan kubawa mak dan ayah melihat light house dan jeti yang cantik itu, insyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah semalam aku membawa mak dan ayah menziarahi keluarga abang di Juru.Kami dinner di warung Pak Su yang terkenal dengan mi udang/ mi ketam -- pernah masuk Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan. Masa sampai di rumah abang, dah pukul 6 petang, si Aliff Zikriy baik punya lena.Sudah betah bercakap budak itu, namun masih "tak terus" lagi.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Abdominal pain

Nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal cramping-like pain, unable to tolerate orally and dizziness.
I've been having these symptoms since yesterday early morning, started right after I've completed the 6am bloods in Dengue Ward. Food poisoning? AGE? Late effects of gastritis? The Malays say perut masuk angin.
Since I've been working in Nephro ward, I've been ignoring my stomach very much. There is never been a day without complaining of epigastric pain. Still, I have no time to fill in my gastric cavity in order to reduce the acid secretions.Too busy.

I'm on leave for these two days. Thank God, just the perfect timing for my GI tract to make a commotion.Last night, I had multiple times of waking up from sleep due to cramping abdominal pain, making my sleep very bad in quality. Alhamdulillah today I feel much better, even though my appetite is still below normal.Tomorrow I have to work for one more day, oncall at night, then off again.

Last month was tough because of who I worked with.This month is also tough because I've been having EOD calls...super tiring, Even the nurses were surprised to see me coming for oncalls over and over again.

I'll stop complaining about work. Life is not just about the negatives.

2nd February:
Started in a new ward :) I was post call from Chest ward, considered a good call but had to sleep in Surau. I just realised that I have been sleeping everywhere in the hospital, so far nothing happened ...:) What a relief that I finished my rotation in Haemato ward..started and ended with the step mother.Hopefully one day she will realise that nobody is perfect other than Allah and that someone will eventually become better than her.

5th February,Maulidur Rasul
My first call in Nephro ward after almost 2 months..Not a bad call, alhamdulillah.

7th February, Thaipusam.
Oncall again, see? As usual, loud music from behind the hospital, but  I think last year was louder.They celebrated their Hindu's ritual, yet they still fight for some reasons.Hmmm.Happened just behind my ward. People hit each other using helmets and sticks.Pity those who were oncalled in casualty and Surgical ward. That night I spent 45 minutes to get home after oncall, instead of 20 minutes! The traffic was really bad.I supposed, those not celebrating it and those not working should have stayed at home.

8th February
Alhamdulillah.Got one vanilla cake from my parents and one chocolate cake from Shida and Cynthia.

17th February
My leave are all approved!!! Thanks to Sui, she actually helped me "tied" our specialist in charge so that I could go see him and discussed about my end of posting leave. He happily approved my leave and rejected my colleague's leave as he said mine is more important :)

Money, money
My ayah and I have been doing some survey about houses in Penang. Ayah kept saying that its more worth it if I buy a terrace house rather than a condominium/apartments.My YB also advise me to grab any opportunity to buy a land house in Penang, rather than in Seberang or Kedah.The issue is, where do I get the money from? According to the financial planner by the Islamic organisation (forgot its name), now its not the best time to buy a house yet, because I just started working for less than 2 years, and my salary is not like thaaat much. So I just keep it aside first.

It seems that a few political figures associated with BN have problems with money issue. Shahrizat, who loss to Nurul Izzah Anwar in general election yet still appointed as a minister, has problems with money.Her husband are suspected to be using 250millions loaned by government for some projects for personal use - bought luxurious condos, cars and went for family vacation. This issue is still under trial, but as the Malay says, jika tiada angin, masakan pokok bergoyang?

Khir Toyo, formerly well respected as a Dentist who became a MB finally found guilty of bribery. He bought a mansion worth millions. Fuhh!!What an "achievement" for him.

Ling Liong Sik,also investigated for the same issues. Hmm,..I thought these ministers always get extra allowance when they go for some visit, plus some other tiny miny allowances, but still not enough?

Talking about money also, someone confidently said that the RM500 BR1M is halalan toyyiba. Wah...such an excellent use of words. But when it comes to RM100 bantuan warga emas, it is all haraaam.Anyway, I believe that the money actually belongs to rakyat, and they deserve to have it even without applying for it.By the way, when will our allowance going to be paid? It has been 5 months already, working/oncall like zombies but getting salary like the bankers who sit in air-cond room from 8-5.

My appetite is still very poor. My stomach is still not healthy.I am not keen to go to work and oncall tomorrow, but I am happy, tonight we are going over the sea to meet everyone else after such a looong time.