Thursday, July 26, 2012


In crisis...desperately need to stand tall again.
Allah, show me the way, and make me steadfast in your path.

Deep breath in...out...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jabatan Lama

Rindu pula pada jabatan lama.Kan best kalau bulan Ramadhan jatuh masa rotation Orthopaedics,mesti hari-hari dapat berbuka puasa di rumah kecuali tiga empat hari night shift ...sekarang ni kalau pm or night shift mesti terlepas tarawih...

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Menjelangnya Ramadhan

Writing gives me spirit, inspiration and motivation.Yet when heart does not feel like pouring it out, I do not write.

Sekarang dah Syaaban, dekat sangat dengan Ramadhan.Alhamdulillah, dikurniakan sedikit rasa tak sabar mahu menikmati Ramadhan pada tahun ini, tidak seperti tahun lepas yang penuh dengan kegusaran.Kali ini persediaan awal telah dibuat.Puasa telah dilazimkan, maka tiada lagi rasa penat atau lelah berpuasa semasa bekerja. Alah bisa tegal biasa.Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik, insyaAllah.Yang satu itu harus dicari.Tahun ini nampaknya perlu mencari lokasi baru untuk bertarawih...

Menjelang Ramadhan, kesihatan mula mencabar diri.Tahun lepas, aku dihinggapi pneumonia yang kemudiannya menghinggapi mak hingga masuk wad hampir seminggu.Allah saja yang tahu perasaanku..sehari selepas mak masuk wad, aku terpaksa buat oncall 24 hours.Mujurlah abang-abangku pulang menemani ayah. Sekarang pun pelbagai dugaan kesihatan melanda.Batuk yang menyerang berminggu-minggu belum lagi sembuh.Semalam aku cuti tapi aku habiskan dengan tidur-bangun-tidur.Rehat secukupnya.Berbaloi, keesokannya aku rasa lebih sihat.Minggu lepas kena allergic reaction secondary to unknown allergen.Sampai aku tukar habis segala bedsheet, pillowcase, towel etc sekembalinya daripada tagging pukul 10 malam tu.Sekarang ni mak pula tak begitu sihat, ya Allah, peliharalah kesihatannya.

Motivation is at its lowest level, desperately working hard to optimize it.
Wondering when will He give me the gift?

Friday, July 06, 2012

Petechial Rash

Today morning while getting ready to work, I realized that my whole upper chest was full with red spots.After a more thorough check up, noted a lot of petechial rash all over my face, trunk and upper limbs.What is happening???

I've been feeling feverish at night for the past one week and dry cough for a month...
My MO asked me to do chest X-ray and Mantoux test to rule out TB...
I did FBC stat which was painful (I almost made a drama, hahah), which came back perfectly normal, no such thing as ITP...perhaps just viral fever..
Some said its allergic...well, what is the allergen?
Dengue? No documented other symptoms...even though my housing area is a dengue prone area...

I've been thinking about the possible allegens...
I've been taking Erythromycin for a week, just one more dose left, so I just stop taking it.
I've not used any new facial wash or cream or soap or lotion...
The water in my house is not contaminated "clinically"...
Seafood? Why suddenly? After 20 plus years of life?
The only new food is the Nesvita drink which I drink every morning for four days as my energy I shall stop taking it...

Perhaps some immunodeficiency thing...I should do biohazard test since I'm at risk from my profession...

Today I came home from the tiring tagging...I changed everything on my bed - bedsheet, pillow case etc
I stop using any facial products...
I washed my face only using water from the tap, not the one collected in the basin...
What else to do...?
What if tomorrow I wake up with worsening rashes...?

I'm documenting this down, in case anything happens to me, someone will know the chronology...

This is my first presentation, I've never had it before
It is not itchy, but it bothers me so much especially when it involves my face...

May He heal me sooner...

Sunday, July 01, 2012


Pagi nanti final Euro 2012 Spain vs Italy.Ada aku kisah? Yang kukisahkan ialah esok bermulanya posting baru.Tempat baru,suasana baru,orang baru.

posted from Bloggeroid