Thursday, May 05, 2016

Patient First

My senior while studying abroad before,a nephrologist, was sick for three weeks, yet didn't seek any treatment due to busy working, until she was down with serious viral infections, which required ICU admission and urgent dialysis.

Myself, had an acute onset of left eye pain, followed by blurring of vision and diplopia, which I have no idea why, had to postpone my visit to the eye clinic today, due to unstoppable patients in the clinic. Two rooms had no doctor to attend, so the rest of the doctors had to suffer to finish seeing patients. Hundreds over patients I saw today, only ended at 4.40pm. There was no time to go see the ophthalmologist. Their clinic closing too. I made another effort to go to the private. Unfortunately, two clinics closed at 5.30pm, another one at 6pm. Those were the closest clinic to my house.

So, tomorrow is another gambling. With two doctors on MC list, hopefully there will be no more mishaps involving other doctors tomorrow. Don't tell me you're taking EL because you need to attend some guests at home. I'll make my best speech and facial expressions to ask for an excuse from the boss tomorrow. At least let me go see the ophthalmologist in the morning and return back to work in the afternoon, if my left eye okay.

Even when I'm typing this, I see distorted alphabets on the screen. I will not bother going to eye clinic if not because of this visual disturbance. My head is aching too.

In conclusion, doctor needs to be patient, as patient comes first in line. Huh?

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