Friday, September 25, 2009


Roses at the front door of the house

Today,I officially completed my geriatrics attachment in STGH.Clonmel has always been a memorable place for me.

Third year medical rotation:
1.It’s ok if you don’t know,because you are just third year.
2.Was attached to Dr.Kingston for a week, who was very fatherly and teacherly, attached with anaesthetist for a week…Dr Rice being  a caring consultant, and attached with Dr Donnellan for two weeks..but she was away during the first week and the locum doctor only spoke and looked at Aoife.When DrDonnellan was back in the second week,I was with her only on Monday,because she did not do rounds on Tuesday , I had a basic life support training on Wednesday and returned to Cork on Thursday.
3.Dr.O’Leary was our tutor,she was very famous back then,having been to the South Pole.
4.Stayed at Lissarda BnB,with lovely couple Mr Moran and Eileen, and a white cat,Haley [RIP].
5.Been together with Eion,Clodagh,Victor,Aoife and Cathal…had a great time…always had lunch together in the canteen.

South Tipperary General Hospital - night view

Fourth year Emergency Medicine rotation:
1.I expected it to be a quick and hurry medicine,like the ER drama,but it wasn’t.Most of the time,the ED was quiet and peaceful.When I went back to Cork during the weekend,the gun shot case appeared.
2.Met Dr.Rahiman on our first day..he showed us around…only knew that he was a Malaysian when he spoke Malay, Dr.Asila..also an SHO,gave me and Peter tutorials on heart failure,Dr.Meha…who taught me the proper way of taking history,Dr.Khan and the taller one…who were very fatherly and kind, and Dr.Irfan who was too friendly and flirting.Some girls from previous group had warned me..and it was proven when he actually went looking for Aoife and Jean at the BnB!!!
3.Been paired with Peter for the first week and with Jean during the second week.Aoife gave me a lift back home on our last day.
4.Stayed at Ashbourn BnB,quite near to the city centre and hospital…got a room with three beds.

Final Med Geriatrics rotation:
1.Attached to Dr.Donnellan for two weeks…She was totally a nice lady doctor..saying good things and giving good words to me..Dr.Loay Abdelnour was the registrar during the first week…very smart and soft spoken..likes to ask me to do technical intern works…taking the continuation sheet…the x-ray form..hold the files…do the MMSE…etc, there was no SHO on the first week.Dr.Mark Polar was a Polish + American intern…very kind and friendly,especially to students…always complaint of tiredness and boredom…On the second week,Dr.Henry came back,he was the original specialist registrar..very brotherly…a good teacher and a superb doctor!Really love listening to him chatting with patients..he gave me a short tutorials on neurological examinations..he is going to give a presentation tomorrow and I am going to miss it! Dr Orica is a nice lady,being the SHO..not sure of her country of origin..but she was really gentle and nice..
2.Tony and I did geriatrics,Gek and Daithi did paediatrics, Sean and Zahra did Obs and gynae, and Claire and Grace did medicine.
3.Med school rented a house instead of a BnB, stayed with Gek and Tony,it was 30 minutes walk to the hospital.
4.Really enjoyed the attachment – the long ward rounds, the rehab centre in Cashel,Memory clinic in Cashel, out patient clinics, history taking and examinations, MMSE, radiology meetings, multidisciplinary meetings, ontake in the AnE,journal club and free lunch, consultant teaching and free breakfast…
5. 10 MCQs on Geriatrics await me tomorrow back in Cork

There is a high possibility that I am coming back to Clonmel for my final year exams…

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